Local Organizations Join Forces to Represent the Business Community

Ferndale business owners have been dealing with a flurry of messages this week about financial resources for small businesses during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. The City of Ferndale, Ferndale DDA, and Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce have come together to better represent the needs of our business community and stay updated on loans, grants, and other support mechanisms as they become available. Our goal is to become a trusted source of information that helps you filter out the noise and focus on the resources that best suit your business.

We are closely monitoring discussions at the County, State, and Federal level and will update you soon.

In the meantime, we encourage you to stay up to date by following credible, official sources like:
Oakland County Coronavirus Resources | One Stop Shop.



What Ferndale Services Have Been Impacted?

What State Orders are Currently in Place?

You can see the full list of current Michigan Executive Orders at michigan.gov. Of note is Order No. 2020-9 which placed temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation until March 30, 2020. Businesses subject to that order must follow the following standards:

  • Limit of five members of the public in the establishment at one time for the purpose of picking up food or beverage orders
  • Individuals must be at least six feet apart from one another while on premises

Also of note is Order No. 2020-11 which lowered the temporary prohibition on large assemblages and events from 250 to 50 beginning on March 17, 2020 and continuing through April 5, 2020.

What County Orders are Currently in Place?

Oakland County declared a state of emergency on March 13 and issued a Public Health Order which requires Food Service Establishments and Entertainment Venues to reduce their occupancy load by 50% excluding employees through April 5. This is superseded by the State Executive Order 2020-9. You can read the full text of the order and print an occupancy load sign from the Oakland County Health Division website.

How Can You Contact Us?

A central email address and phone number has been established for our businesses city-wide to contact with questions:

e: businessvm@ferndalemi.gov
p: 248-336-4156